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Parents Meetings

Please see the attached forms that contain all of the information from the Year Group meetings held at School recently. 

shelter buildingYear 5 Sayers Croft May 2021-8335
TB Sept 2018-1358

Parent Pupil Progress Meetings

These bi-annual meetings are the ideal opportunity for you to meet with your child's teacher to discuss progress. We do of course encourage you to contact us whenever you have queries or concerns but these are formal opportunities to review how your child is getting on. The first meeting is held after school just before the autumn half term break and focuses on how your child has settled and the targets they will be working on. At the end of the spring term we provide a written report on the progress that your child is making and their level of attainment judged against expectations for their year group. We believe this report will have more impact as it provides a mid-year dialogue between parent, child and teacher as to what has already been achieved and the targets that are in place to support your child to continue to move forward. This is part of our shared commitment to ensuring that your child will achieve their best by the end of each academic year. In July there is a final parent meeting with the teacher to look back over the year and to look forward to opportunities and challenges for the following year.

We want each part of this process to be centred on the needs of your child and we invite your child to attend each meeting with you so that there is a joint understanding by pupil, parent and teacher of the way ahead.

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