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Tillingbourne School is governed by a local governing body, which is a committee of the board of trustees of Learning Partners Academy Trust, who have overall responsibility for governance of the school.  The committee comprises a group of volunteers who give their time and expertise freely to support the school by: 

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school; 
  • Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and 
  • Overseeing the school’s financial performance of the organisation and make sure its money is well spent. 

The specific responsibilities of the governing body are detailed within the trust’s scheme of delegation and Local Governing Body terms of reference.   

Governors meet regularly through the term to discuss all main aspects of the school and visit the school regularly to understand, support and monitor school life. We follow government guidance, are supported by the trust and adhere to a code of conduct in all that we do.  For further information please contact: (insert chair details)


Our Local Governing Body is based on a stakeholder model, with representatives of parents, staff, and the local community.  Members are recruited for a three-to-four-year term on a skillset basis and/or through parental election. 

Visiting Governors – There is a schedule of governors’ visits that focus on specific aspects of school life and help us to evaluate the impact of our School Development Plan.

If you have any feedback you would like to give the governing body or have any questions regarding the strategic direction of the school please contact the Chair of Governors via the school email  or contact the school office on 01483 504384

Mick Michell

Chair of Governors

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