Curriculum Statement
At Tillingbourne, children are given the opportunity to understand and explore a range of methods to build on and improve their understanding of maths as a whole. Through the use of White Rose, children will be taught, revise and embed a range of methods and strategies which develops their fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Children are able to apply and develop mathematical concepts in a range of subjects. For example: data handling in Science/History/Geography and 3D structures in Art/DT.
Maths lessons will incorporate a range of retrieval and fluency activities, alongside problem solving and reasoning skills. These will be explicitly discussed and taught once every 2 weeks to ensure children have a toolkit for maths. The use of visual representations and concrete resources will ensure abstract concepts are well understood and embedded. Core knowledge and skills will be revisited throughout the year to ensure more successful future learning and links across maths are made. Teachers will use formative and summative assessment to systematically identify gaps in learning, which will be addressed through high quality teaching and intervention.
Children perform well in their end of key stage assessments and the number of children reaching the expected standard by the end of KS2 is above national. Children have strong reasoning and problem solving skills that they are able to apply to multiple disciplines and topics.
Video tutorials
Watch these useful video clips to find out more about the methods we use in our Maths lessons at Tillingbourne.