Curriculum Statement
At Tillingbourne children will work scientifically; making careful observations over time, pattern seeking, classifying and sorting, researching and using secondary sources of information, and conducting investigations (fair testing). Children will record data of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs; making links within the Maths curriculum. Children will report and present findings from enquiries, including conclusions and causal relationships as well as identify scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments. The body of knowledge as set out in the Science Curriculum is clearly established and all children develop and use the knowledge fluently.
Teachers, through their schemes of work and guided by the progression documents, ensure there are opportunities for varied investigative work. Children use the 5 enquiry types listed in the progression document to discover the world around them and explore the key concepts outlined in the knowledge statements within the national curriculum. Lessons are focused on the children’s ability to work scientifically with clear skills being explicitly taught. Core knowledge is revisited throughout the year to ensure more successful future learning and links to previous learning are made when embarking on new learning.
Children develop greater confidence in gathering and presenting their research from child-led learning, together with data handling skills which support their Maths outcomes from links within Science lessons. Their knowledge and understanding, along with strong enquiry skills, enable them to draw conclusions effectively. Children leave Tillingbourne with a curiosity about the world around them and the foundations and enthusiasm to explore it further.