Curriculum statement
At Tillingbourne, pupils will be exposed to a broad range of different kinds of design. Carefully planned progression and cross curricular links provide a wealth of knowledge and engage pupils' interests as the units are relevant to the current and prior learning. They should be able to think critically about their design, including those of existing products. As they progress through each year group, they will develop their techniques and have the opportunity to apply these creatively. In design lessons, pupils research and are taught technical skills; are taught how to design using different media including CAD; make using a variety of tools and materials and evaluate their product referring back to the design specifications. Furthermore, as part of their work with food, pupils develop skills to cook and apply their knowledge of ingredients and healthy eating.
Teachers plan using the year group scheme of work. Teachers lead discussions and model skills to pupils along with discussing health and safety. Pupils are guided by teachers throughout the design cycle but have the opportunity to explore and create their own design specifications and select appropriate tools and materials. When evaluating, children discuss and critique each other’s work in order to develop it further. Teachers use self-assessment quizzes and evaluations to encourage pupils to reflect on the skills they have learnt and how to use them in the future.
By the end of KS2, children will have a broad knowledge and a variety of skills in a range of areas in design. They will demonstrate confidence and creativity in reflecting on their own and other’s designs. They will develop ability to analyse and investigate how skills in other areas (science & maths) are applied to real-life and be curious to question the purpose and effectiveness of design.