Teacher Training at Tillingbourne Junior School
At Tillingbourne School we believe that training our own teachers is a way of ensuring that our children receive the highest quality teaching and learning. Our Teacher Trainees are welcomed as part of our whole school community’s journey of learning.

Tillingbourne Junior School works with two high quality Initial Teacher Training Providers:
Surrey South Farnham School Centred Initial Teacher Training
George Abbot Initial Teacher Training
Surrey South Farnham School Centred Initial Teacher Training
Website: www.ssfscitt.org.uk
Contact: scitt@sfet.org.uk
- Lead School and Teaching School: South Farnham School
- Local Authority Partner: Surrey
- ITT Provider: Surrey South Farnham SCITT (known as SSF)
- Delivery Partner: Babcock 4S
George Abbot Initial Teacher Training
Website: www.georgeabbottraining.co.uk
- Lead School and Teaching School: George Abbot Teaching School
- Local Authority Partner: Surrey